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Zante Holidays

Zante Holidays

Zante Introduction

Zante, or Zakinthos if you prefer, is the third largest island in the Ionian Sea. It is very popular with tourists having the essential ingredients of sun, sand, sea and night life. In addition, Zante has many ancient sites, picturesque villages, and provides a range of activities to suit all tastes.

Why Go To Zante?

Zante is a beautiful island with impressive mountains, fertile valleys and bright clear waters. With rugged cliffs and sweeping sands it is a land of scenic contrasts.

The character of the resorts also vary considerably, from the strident nightlife of Laganas, to the tranquillity of Alikes, providing for all tastes. There are a large number of beaches, isolated coves, and many interesting archaeological sites. Guaranteed sun and sandy beaches draw thousands of holidaymakers every year.

Zante is popular with families because of the number of sandy beaches which slope gently into the sea making them safe for small children. Other beaches, with rougher seas, are popular with surfers and water sportsmen. Zante is also popular with those looking for a lively night life while others are able to find a haven of peace. Anyone with an interest in things ancient can explore the many historical sites.

When To Go To Zante

The most popular time to visit Zante is in the summer although the season extends from Easter to the end of October. The temperature range is from 20 to 30 degrees.

Zante - The Place

Zante is a beautiful island with much to offer the holidaymaker. Its wide variety of resorts means that it has something for everyone. There are beaches for relaxing, beaches for water sports and beaches for Loggerhead turtles to lay their eggs.

There are many child friendly beaches with soft sands and sloping shores. At Tsilivi, the Luna fun Park and mini golf are popular with children.

The south east peninsular has the best scenery and the quieter resorts.

Inland, in the picturesque villages with their whitewashed houses and fertile vineyards, the authentic spirit of Greece is found. The tavernas here serve good wholesome food and wine.

A trip to Smuggler's cove should not be missed. It is the most photographed cove in Greece with its tall cliffs, golden sands and wrecked ship half-buried in the sand. Although it can be viewed from above the best place to see it is out at sea.

The town of Zante, surrounded by hills, looks very imposing when entered from the sea with the Cathedral of St. Dennis dominating the view.

Kami is the place to go for the most spectacular sunsets.

Zante Culture

The earthquake of 1953 and the fire storm that followed destroyed much of the beauty of past civilisations. The museum in Zante houses a model of the town as it was before the earthquake.

The festivities on august 24th are in honour of the patron saint and protector of the island Saint Dennis.

Zante Nightlife

The nightlife in Zante caters for all tastes. There are the tavernas along almost every beach where you can sample a variety of good wholesome local food while sipping wine on the water front. In resorts such as ZanteTown and particularly in Laganas the vibrant nightlife continues until the small hours of the morning. There are many restaurants where you can enjoy a more relaxed evening.

Zante Shopping

Zante Town with its labyrinth of streets is full of opportunities for retail therapy. Here you can find the usual gift and souvenir and craft shops. Leather goods, jewellery ceramics and particularly embroidered linens are very popular. Markets are a good place to find your holiday bargains.

Zante Eating

As in all Greek islands there are numerous tavernas, cafes, bars and restaurants which provide a wide range of food to accommodate most tastes. Traditional Greek food relies heavily on fish simply cooked and is quite delicious. Moussaka is another Greek favourite made from minced lamb and aubergines.

The local wines are inexpensive and usually very palatable.

Local Zante Customs

The family, including the extended family, is held in high regard in Greece. Children are always given a warm welcome and restaurants are usually very child friendly.

When visiting churches and monasteries, shoulders and legs should be covered to avoid offence.

The islanders are a warm and friendly people and warmly welcome visitors.

The best time to book a holiday to Zante is in April, May or October – Just outside the main summer period. The resorts are not as busy during this time and as a result you will be able to find accommodation, as well as food and drinks, to be cheaper.

Due to the cheaper food and drinks, you may even wish to book into a self catering or room only accommodation and save extra money on top.

Zante has beautiful golden sand beaches along with its green hills and valleys. It also features some spectacular cliffs and sea caves which are always an attraction to the many tourists who visit the area.

Zante's main attraction lies in the sheer number of beaches available for people to enjoy water sports or to relax and get a nice tan, however the night life is very good too and plays a huge part in pulling holiday makers back to the island year after year.

For the best cheap holiday deals in Zante, look for offers In April, May or October.

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