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Greece Holidays

Greece Holidays

Greece Introduction

Greece can truly be said to offer holidaymakers, whatever their interests, a holiday to remember with pleasure. Mainland Greece is eighty per cent mountainous with the mountains, in some cases, extending into the sea where their peaks create islands. There are over two thousand Greek islands many of which are uninhabited. Mainland Greece with its magnificent remains from the glorious Greek Empire will more than gratify the appetite of those interested in ancient history and archaeology. Those who enjoy walking and mountain climbing will find ample opportunities, particularly on the mainland, where they will find dense forests home to the endangered brown bear, as well as wild cats, goats and roe deer. There are an enormous number of beaches both on the Greek mainland as well as the islands offering wide ranging facilities. In addition there is a long season of guaranteed sunshine. It is no surprise that a Greece holiday appeals to so very many people.

Why Go To Greece?

Greece has so much to offer the holidaymaker regardless of age and interests. Guaranteed sun and sandy beaches, rocky coves and water sports, mountains to climb and ancient sites to explore, good food to eat and wine to drink, party nights and romantic evenings, are surely more than enough reason for choosing a Greek holiday.

Greece has a very widespread appeal. Beautiful beaches with safe bathing for families with small children, water sports with varying degrees of excitement for adults, interesting historical sites, shops and markets and with a varied nightlife it is no surprise that so many people holiday there.

When To Go To Greece?

The most popular time to visit Greece is in the summer. The season extends from Easter to October when the temperature range is from twenty to thirty degrees.

Greece - The Place

Whether you are visiting the Greek mainland or a Greek island for the first time you will be amazed at its natural beauty and the splendour of its monuments. Many people, when considering a Greece holiday, think only of the Greek islands and the mainland can be neglected. This is a pity as there are many wonderful sights to experience and beaches to enjoy. The capital, Athens, has the world famous Acropolis with the Parthenon. The Peloponessos region has mountains, good beaches and warm waters. There are many ancient sites that should not be missed when visiting the area. These include the ruined Byzantine city of Mystras which overlooks Sparta, the fortress town of Monemvasia and of course Delphi, thought, in ancient times to be the centre of the world. Here people still go to seek advice from the Oracle.

The islands provide miles of beaches offering every kind of aqua sport, ancient ruins, every combination of nightlife and dining out and a range of shopping opportunities.

Greece Culture

During the summer months there are many cultural festivals. Most are related to the Christian church’s calendar with patron saints’ days being very important. Wine festivals are also lively affairs with folk music and dance. For those interested in history, there is a wealth of archaeological remains, museums, theatres and old monasteries.

Greece Nightlife

The nightlife in Greece varies according to the area. On the islands there are tavernas on most beaches and restaurants along the water front with menus to suit all tastes. There are night clubs, bars, and discos to provide entertainment for lovers of the night. In the larger cities there are casinos.

Greece Shopping

On the islands most resorts have the usual gift and souvenir shops. Among the local crafts are ceramics, leather goods, jewellery and embroidered linens, all of which make very popular holiday mementos. Markets are lively places, often with entertainment, and are well worth a visit. As expected the city shops provide a more upmarket experience.

Greece Eating

The islands provide a vast number of tavernas, cafes and restaurants where local food can be enjoyed.. Food is generally simple, fresh and extremely tasty. The local wines are usually very palatable. In the cities there are a wide range of restaurants serving international foods to suit all tastes and all pockets.

Local Greece Customs

Family is very important to the Greek people who often have a close extended family who eat and socialise together. The feast of the Assumption in August is a time for family reunions. Children are made very welcome in restaurants. When visiting monasteries shoulders and legs should be covered in order to avoid offence.

The perfect time to book cheap holidays to Greece is in April, May or October. Due to this being outside of the peak season, there is less demand at resorts which results in not only cheaper accommodation, but cheaper food and drinks too. It might even be beneficial to book room only accommodation due to the amount you’ll be saving on meals outside of the hotel.

Just because these months are considered off-peak doesn’t mean there’s nothing for you to do though! There are many sights to see and activities to partake in while you enjoy your cheap Greek holiday.

Cheap Greece Holidays in April

April is generally a time for Easter celebrations in Greece. If you’re in the country at this time you’ll see plenty of different ceremonies and parties. From people carrying candles on Good Friday, to a huge Lamb spit roast with plenty of wine on Easter Sunday itself. On the island of Crete you’ll generally see people collecting sticks and branches in order to make bonfires. These bonfires are used to burn an effigy of Judas Iskariot on Easter Sunday, especially in the Crete town of Harakas Monofatsiou which is built below the Asterousia Mountain.

Cheap Greek Holidays in May

May is another festive time in Greece with many different events going on all over the country. The temperature is starting to rise, so the usual sights to see like the ruins in Athens provide good enjoyment, as do the smaller festivals involving dancing, arts and athletics which pop up towards the end of the month. The area is not as busy as the peak summer months, so May is a good time to visit the country if you’re after a nice tan, but don’t want the beaches to be full of other holiday makers.

Cheap Greece Holidays in October

With the busy summer months starting to come to a close, October is an ideal time to look for a cheap holiday to Greece. Prices will be coming down, but the temperature will still be fairly hot, and if you’re just looking for a relaxing rest on a beach, or a nice cruise with various ancient sights to see, this is a great time to go. The Acropolis in Athens is a firm favourite, and with access to it until 7PM at night until the end of October, you’re not missing out on anything by waiting until after the busy summer period for your cheap Greek holiday.

There is plenty to do in Greece whether you go in the busy summer season or just outside of it, but if you’re looking for a cheap Greece holiday, April, May and October are your best bets.

Book your cheap Greece holiday online now with ULookUBook

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