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Cape Verde Holidays

Cape Verde Holidays

Why go to Cape Verde?

Cape Verde is a relatively new tourist destination and rivals the Canaries and Caribbean for year round sunshine, with a family friendly laid back vibe. With guaranteed good weather, crystal blue waters and miles of white sandy beaches, Cape Verde is the ideal destination for a reasonably priced, beach based holiday with plenty of things to see and do. Discover sea turtles and humpback whales, meet the locals in the traditional working harbours and boatyards, or go island hopping to explore volcanoes, forests and secluded tropical hideaways.

Who is Cape Verde popular with?

Cape Verde is ideal for families looking for an all inclusive beach holiday, winter sunseekers and lovers of watersports and outdoor activities. With warm sunshine throughout the year, holidays to Cape Verde are mainly beach based, with the Atlantic waves making it the perfect place for wind and kite surfing, sailing and fishing.

When to go to Cape Verde

Temperatures are warm all year round, making Cape Verde perfect for winter sun or a chilled out summer getaway. Highest temperatures are in July and August with a rainy season starting in September. Watersports enthusiasts tend to visit between November and March, when higher winds make for great surfing conditions.

Cape Verde culture

The local motto in Cape Verde is ‘no stress’, and visitors will discover a relaxing, rich local culture where the local people are friendly and welcoming. Food and drink are an important part of everyday life and although there is plenty of international cuisine available, most restaurants serve up locally produced food and drink. Music is everywhere, with a fusion of European, African and South American influences reflecting the long history of this one time trading port. Festivals are held all year round, including the colourful carnival inspired Creole festival in February, and the Portuguese flavours of the Full Moon Festival at the end of August.

Cape Verde nightlife

Away from the tourist hotels, nightlife is mainly focussed on the larger towns and involves live music and dancing, largely at weekends. Most restaurants and bars offer live music throughout the week, which can sometimes last late into the night, and is a great way to get to know the local people.

Cape Verde Shopping

Shops on the islands selling imported goods will often be more expensive, and as Cape Verde is a relatively poor country, don’t expect smart modern malls or designer outlets. For reasonably priced local goods, head for one of the many colourful markets to discover fresh fruit, traditional African goods and crafts, rugs, jewellery and wooden carvings. Woven baskets and locally made clay pots and cooking utensils are a particular speciality.

Cape Verde Eating

Away from the all inclusive and full board hotels, there are plenty of beachfront restaurants, bars and simple cantinas where visitors can mingle with the locals and enjoy delicious, fresh, local cuisine. The main towns have a good selection of restaurants offering traditional Portuguese and Creole specialities including octopus, tuna and lobster. The national dish is Cachupa Rica - a stew of fish, meat and vegetables, and there is a huge range of locally grown exotic fruits such as mango, guava, coconut and papaya. Locally produced drinks include Grogue, a strong rum made from sugar cane, as well as a range of local wines and spirits produced on the islands.

Local Cape Verde Customs

Cape Verdeans are polite and friendly and enjoy socialising outdoors with family and friends. The local people tend to have a very laid back attitude to time, and events and meetings will often begin later than planned. When out and about, remember that bartering for goods is expected in markets but is not welcome in shops. Mornings are the best time to visit local markets, and many shops will shut at midday, opening again later in the afternoon.

Cape Verde is a horseshoe shaped group of ten volcanic islands off the Atlantic coast of West Africa. The largest island is Santiago which houses the nation’s capital, Praia. Cooling breezes from the Atlantic help to keep the temperatures warm and the humidity low with average year round temperatures between 25° and 30°C. Cape Verde tends to be less crowded and is more unspoilt than many other tropical destinations, with swaying palm trees, colourful markets and  breathtaking beaches. The official language is Portuguese with Creole spoken widely throughout the islands. The main resorts are on the islands of Sal and Boa Vista, and visitors can explore the smaller islands using local flights and ferries.