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Santorini Holidays

Santorini Holidays

Santorini - Introduction

Santorini is one of the prettiest islands in the Aegean Sea. Built on the thick volcanic lava of the dormant volcano, the reddish black cliffs rise out of a brilliant blue sea and the landscape is filled with the traditional white buildings with their blue doors and window frames surrounded by bougainvillea and other brightly coloured blooms. Santorini is said to be the most romantic of the Greek isles.

Why Go To Santorini?

Santorini's wild beauty attracts many visitors each year. Guaranteed hot sunshine during the summer months, ancient buildings to be explored, churches to be visited, Fira’s labyrinth of stepped, cobbled streets in which to shop are all good reasons to visit Santorini. Added to this is the renowned sunset in Oia a beautiful town in the daylight but truly glorious when the setting sun transforms it, basking as it does in a warm orange glow.

Santorini is very popular with couples young and old. It has become a fashionable island for weddings. Families with small children looking for 'sand castle' terrain may be a little disappointed. The beaches are obviously volcanic, grey and gritty, and become very hot underfoot in the afternoons. Water sports enthusiasts will find a large variety of activities.

When To Go To Santorini

The holiday season lasts from April until October when the temperature ranges from twenty to thirty degrees. Summer is the most popular time to visit the island.

Santorini - The Place

Santorini is a beautiful island with many incredible views. The capital town of Fira with its narrow cobbled streets stepping up the hillside are alive with activity both day and night. There are regular bus services to Fira from the various coastal resorts.

At the important archaeological site at Akroti, in the south west of the island, the ancient Minoan city, buried by the volcano's eruption in 1550BC, is being excavated.

Away from Fira the pace of life is slower with many traditional villages that have escaped development. In the coastal resorts the hotels are all built in keeping with the islands architecture and colour scheme, the very pretty white and blue. The volcanic beaches are lined with tavernas and restaurants and a wide variety of water sports are on offer.

An excursion to Oia in the north of the island is essential. Apart from the sunsets viewed from here, it is a pretty little town with its old buildings covered in blossom and its domed churches.

Other popular excursions include a boat trip to the volcano and the hot springs. One of these excursions culminates with the boat docking below Oia. Having left the boat, (the point of no return) visitors must walk up 272 steps to reach the town and the famed sunset. It is not a trip for the faint hearted, small children or anyone with walking difficulties.

Santorini Culture

Festivals are closely associated with the Orthodox Churches calendar and are celebrated with music, food and wine. In July the feast of Aghios Ionnis is celebrated at Monolithos and on August 15th the feast of the assumption of the Virgin Mary observed.

In recent years there have been jazz festivals throughout the summer months.

Santorini Nightlife

The nightlife in Santorini has something for everyone. A peaceful evening in a restaurant overlooking the sea or lively bars with music and discos, are all available in the coastal resorts. If you are looking for livelier entertainment then Fira is the place to go. It is a vibrant town very poplar with the young who wish to party through the night.

Santorini Shopping

Most resorts have gift shops lining the beaches and here you can buy all your holiday souvenirs including, amongst the tat, rather tasteful ceramics, embroidered linens and leather goods.

Fira is the place to go for a real shopping experience. There are hundreds of shops in its narrow pedestrian cobbled streets and an amazing number of jewellers at the top of the town near the Church and Dominican Convent. There is a frequent bus service from most resorts.

Santorini Eating

In Santorini there are numerous tavernas, cafes, bars and restaurants which provide a wide range of food to accommodate most tastes. Traditional Greek food relies heavily on fish simply cooked and is quite delicious. Moussaka is another Greek favourite made from minced lamb and aubergines. International cuisine is also available in the larger towns.

The Santorini wines are inexpensive and very palatable.

Local Santorini Customs

The family, including the extended family, is held in high regard in Greece. Children are always given a warm welcome and restaurants are usually very child friendly.

When visiting churches and monasteries, shoulders and legs should be covered to avoid offence.

The islanders are a warm and hospitable people and warmly welcome visitors.

If you look for a cheap holiday early or late in the season, such as April, May or October time, you'll have the best chance of finding a cheap deal to Santorini. You may also be able to save yourself some extra money by booking into room only or self catering accommodation as the drinks and sometimes the food can be cheaper outside of the summer season.

Santorini is said to be the most romantic of the Greek isles and with good reason too. With beautiful scenery all over the island, and many attractions such as ancient buildings and churches, plus with the amazing transformation the whole island makes at sunset, it's no surprise that Santorini is a very popular holiday destination.

The island is perfect for young and old couples, however families with young children looking for sand castle terrain will be disappointed. The island is volcanic and as a result, there's not much, if any sand to be found. Water sports are plentiful though and the area is a very popular destination for weddings or honeymoons to take place.

The holiday season lasts from April until October and the temperature during this time will be between 20 and 30 degrees C. If you visit during the summer months you'll likely see plenty of festivals which are based around the Christian calendar year.

The night life, like most holiday destinations, caters for most people. For the romantic, there are quiet restaurants overlooking the sea situated in the coastal resorts. If you go further inland into Fira then you'll find the night clubs and discos for people looking to party the night away.

For the best deals on holiday to Santorini, you'll be better off looking to book in April, May or October.

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