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Sagres Holidays

Sagres Holidays

Sagres Introduction

Sagres is a small town close to Cape Saint Vincent the most south-westerly point of Europe. It is located on the south side of the cape and is therefore protected from the worst of the westerly winds and rough seas. Owing to its position, it has escaped any overdevelopment that has sometimes occurred in other more accessible parts of the Algarve.

Why go to Sagres

A Sagres holiday offers hot summer sun tempered by the westerly winds coming in from the Atlantic. The shape of the cape means that there are many small sheltered beaches perfect for sunbathing as well as a large number of exposed beaches which are a surfer’s paradise.

Sagres is popular with those looking for a place to relax as it is always possible to find a secluded spot. Naturalists and ornithologists will find much to interest them in the flora and fauna of the area. To the north of the town there is an area with twenty-five different species of orchids. Sagres is on a migratory route for many birds travelling north from Africa, and of course returning home again.

When To Go To Sagres

Sagres has hot dry summers and this is the most popular time for visitors. Although the winter temperatures are fairly mild it can be rather windy. Surfing is a year-round activity.

Sagres - The Place

Sagres does not become over populated in the summer and this is one of its attractions. Only a few kilometres from Europe’s most westerly point, it is a pleasant town which lost its medieval heart in the earthquake of 1755. It has a square with bars and restaurants around its perimeter, a working harbour and a beautiful beach.

On the cape itself is the second most powerful lighthouse in Europe helping to protect one of the world’s busiest shipping routes. The range of its light beam is over sixty kilometres.

Praia da Mareta is the town's main beach on the sheltered side of the point and is a mixture of sand and pebbles. Although it is very popular with families, parents must be aware of the strong currents in the often heavy seas.

Praia do Tonel is located on the exposed northern side of Sagres point where the rolling waves are ideal for surfing.

Walkers who take the cliff paths will be rewarded by fantastic views and the unusual sight of the cliff fishermen who cast their fishing line down the sixty metre cliffs while perching in crevices on the rock face.

Sagres Nightlife

Nightlife in Sagres is fairly low key with a small number of bars and restaurants offering friendly relaxed evenings.

Sagres Shopping

The shops in Sagres provide holiday essentials as well as the usual gifts and souvenirs.

Sagres Eating

The local restaurants in Sagres are renowned for their fish, its variety and freshness. It is common in Portugal to be served appetisers known as ‘covers’ while waiting for your food. Please remember that these are not free samples and will appear on the bill. Wines are an excellent accompaniment to dinner, while the almond liqueur or, for chocolate lovers the Alfarroba liqueur, is a great way to relax at the end of the day.