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Brazil Holidays

Brazil Holidays

Brazil Introduction

Brazil is a huge country whose area is approximately fifty percent of the total area of the South American continent. With a long Atlantic coastline and crossed by both the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, Brazil is the world’s fifth largest country. It is a land of beaches and jungles, rain forests and waterfalls, rivers and lakes. Its population is concentrated mainly along the coast with only a small number of cities lying inland. The people of Brazil are relaxed and friendly offering holidaymakers a warm welcome and ensuring good service at all times.

Why Go To Brazil?

Brazil, being so vast, has a holiday for everyone. Those looking for adventure will find many opportunities inland, while sun and sand loving holidaymakers can choose from thousands of miles of beach. It is a wonderful mix of tropical rain forest, large vibrant cities and mile after mile of golden sands. Brazil has some of the most recognised sights in the world including the Statue of Christ the Redeemer towering above Rio de Janeiro and the Iguazu Falls.

Brazil has wide appeal. It is popular with young people looking for adventure and is the destination of choice for many gap-year students. Families enjoy the wonderful beaches with the wide provision of water sports.

When To Go To Brazil?

Brazil lying in a tropical zone gives little variation in seasonal climate. Temperatures near the equator average almost thirty degrees. Here there is less humidity and the tropical on shore breeze is very welcome.

Southern Brazil has a sub-tropical climate which can give frost in the winter months from June to August. Summer is from December to February and during these months it can be very humid.

Travelling to the Amazon Basin in the rainy season (January to May) is difficult as many of the roads are flooded or get washed away.

Brazil - The Place

Brazil has everything from vast modern cities to virgin rainforest and from mountains to beaches. Whatever your choice of leisure activity you will find it in Brazil. Its tropical climate appeals to sun-starved British tourists who also want to experience a holiday with a difference.

The country possesses a wealth of wonderful sights both natural and man-made, beautiful beaches with first class facilities, and a people who have a love of life.

The two most famous beaches in the world are in Brazil, namely Copacabana and Ipanema. If you visit Brazil before the beginning of lent you will experience the carnival of carnivals. It lasts for days culminating on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday.

Whether you've come to explore the hidden treasures of the Amazon, relax on the world famous beaches of Copacabana, or dance the samba with the locals you'll be captivated by Brazil. It would take a lifetime of holidays to appreciate the wonders of Brazil so make this the first of many.

Depending on where you intend to go in Brazil you may need certain inoculations. Check with your GP.

Brazil Culture

Brazil, with its colonial ties with Portugal, is the largest Catholic country in the world. It is a multicultural society with influences from African slaves and the Native American people. Many of its festivals are related to their religion and are celebrated with music and dance.

Brazil Nightlife

Brazil is a country of passionate people who love to party. Their vibrant music demands a lively response and bars and clubs resound with the beat. The large cities have a broad range of evening entertainment catering for most tastes, with restaurants, nightclubs and casinos.

Brazil Shopping

The large cities in Brazil have extensive shopping malls with a vast variety of goods. Every town and city has street markets where you can barter for your handcrafted souvenirs. Holiday mementoes include hand-made lace, embroidered linens, macramé bags, wickerwork and ceramics. Jewellery, using stones native to Brazil and set in silver, are very popular gifts.

Brazil Eating

Eating in Brazil is enjoyed at a leisurely pace usually in the company of family and friends. There are many inexpensive restaurants where you serve yourself and then have your plate weighed. You are charged per kilo.

Brazil eating offers a very varied diet of tasty and sometimes unfamiliar foodstuffs. Feijoada, the national dish comprises rice, pork and spicy black beans. As a tropical country, Brazil provides a wonderful array of sweet juicy fruits.

The national drink is of course coffee which is very strong and sweet.

Local Brazil Customs

Eating on the street is frowned upon in Brazil. Do not touch food with your fingers as this is considered ill-mannered and unhygienic. Brazilians use utensils for pizza, sandwiches, fruit and chicken. Fruit is often served in a dish or sliced as it is eaten. Wrap food carefully in a napkin before picking it up. When offered something in Brazil, one must say "yes" or "please", "Thank you" indicates a refusal, "No, thank you" is considered rather blunt and verges on rudeness. Avoid offence by giving an excuse for your refusal.