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Cheap Albufeira Holidays

Albufeira Holidays

Albufeira Introduction

Albufeira lies forty kilometres east of Faro with a transfer time of ninety minutes. It is one of the most popular resorts in the Algarve offering holidaymakers a large number of leisure activities to be enjoyed in guaranteed sunshine. The beaches have blue flag status and offer many water sports. The nightlife in Albufeira is very lively with many discos, clubs and restaurants.

Why go to Albufeira

Albufeira is a wonderful place to go to enjoy sun, sand and sea. The beaches are wide and long with fine sand and shallow seas. The variety of sports both in and out of the water ensures there is something for everyone. The restaurants provide cuisine from the four quarters of the world and there is a vibrant nightlife.

An Albufeira holiday has broad appeal. Families with young children are drawn by the wonderful beaches, water sports enthusiasts can choose from a wide variety of activities and young people can enjoy long and lively nights in the many clubs and discos.

When To Go To Albufeira

Albufeira has hot dry summers and pleasant winters making it a year-round holiday destination. The summer is the most popular time with sun seekers and beach lovers flocking to its shores in their hundreds of thousands.

Albufeira - The Place

Albufeira, lying centrally in the Algarve, is its most popular resort appealing as it does to a wide range of holidaymakers. The earthquake of 1755 destroyed most of its old town but there are some beautiful late eighteenth century churches and manor houses. The almond, fig and palm trees make a splendid display in springtime when they bloom.

There are more than twenty beaches in the Albufeira area with fine sand shelving gently into crystal clear water. Many of the beaches are sheltered by cliffs of sandstone. The colour of the cliffs range from white to a warm sun-drenched yellow ochre and burnt sienna. There is wide provision for water sports including surfing, water skiing, sailing, motorised sports, diving and deep sea fishing. The fine marina has berths for many yachts and pleasure crafts.

There are three golf courses in the area. Salgados is an eighteen hole course which requires a good level of technical ability. The other courses, Pine Cliffs and Balaia, both have nine holes. Pine Cliffs, as the name suggests, is set among the trees above the cliff. The ninth hole is regarded as its best as it crosses a ravine which overlooks the beach below.

Albufeira has an excellent range of shops, bars, pubs and restaurants all designed to keep holidaymakers happy. Albufeira succeeds in this having many visitors making return visits.

Albufeira Nightlife

Nightlife in Albufeira is the liveliest in the Algarve with a large number of pubs, clubs and discos. Here it is possible to dance and party from sun down to sun up. There are many excellent restaurants and small friendly bars for those who wish for a less frenetic nightlife.

Albufeira Shopping

Albufeira has a wide range of shops providing holidaymakers with ample opportunity for purchasing gifts and souvenirs. Pottery in the Algarve is very colourful and if you take a short trip to Loule you can watch the potters at work. Embroidered colourful linens are also a popular buy.

Albufeira Eating

The many restaurants in Albufeira with their enormous variety of cuisine cater for even the most pernickety of palates. Albufeira has everything from fast foods to gourmet restaurants. Fish and shellfish feature prominently on the menus with fish stews and grilled sardines being firm favourites. Wines are an excellent accompaniment to dinner, while the almond liqueur or, for chocolate lovers the Alfarroba liqueur, is a great way to relax at the end of the day.